This menu is designed to manage the vaping plan, it can help SMOK users to calculate the vaping puffs, setting personal plans.
When the vape reminds for "max puff" or "puffs over", it means the vaping puffs have reached the Maximum.
You can reset the "puff setting" into a higher value.
For example, your puff setting was 300P, when it reaches 300P and reminds “max puff” or “puff over”, please reset the puff setting above 300P;
You can set the "puff clear" or "puffs reset":
Click "No"= Quit resetting the puff, you will not be able to vape;
Click "Yes"= Puff data will be set to can continue to vape from 0P until it reaches the maximum that is set;
1. "puff clear" &"puffs reset" = reset the vaping puff data which has been generated to 0
2. "max puff" & "puffs over" = vaping puffs have reached the Maximum
The alert varies from different battery mod but shows the same thing.